Hin & Her - Grünzeug EP

Cover Hin & Her - Grünzeug EP (Gemüseteller / Obstsalat)

"Hin & Her" is a talented artist from Cologne. His first EP has the unusual german name “Grünzeug” which can be translated to "green stuff"! With his music he wants to go his own way. So it is not suprising, that the two tracks of his EP called “Gemüseteller” and “Obstsalat” (You can also say “vegetable dishes” and “fruit salad”) With deep melancholic synths and an impulsive sound “Hin & Her” will expanded the Electronica scene with these two delicacies. Green Stuff for your soul.

Release Date: 2015-07-30 (Beatport) & 2015-08-13 (Worldwide)
Cover Background Copyright by Patrick Hofmann.

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